Sublime Forum

Goto Symbol not working?


I opened Sublime to work on a project today and see that Goto Symbol ( Commad R )

It used to show all the function in my PHP class files. Now it shows random crap from every line?

I have the latest version of SL on a Mac Sierra.

What could this issue be?



If Sublime Text was working correctly before today, it could mean that now your PHP syntax is not working correctly or the new version of Sublime Text is not working correctly due some update.

  1. Which is the version of Sublime Text do you use?
  2. What was the version of Sublime Text you were using before?
  3. Can you reproduce it after reverting Sublime Text

  1. Build 3143
  2. same
  3. doing a clean install seems to fix the issue. Looks like something got screwed up.

Thanks for the reply.

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You can know what was broke, if you now gradually slow reintroduce your old settings and packages on this clean install until the problem occurs again.



Looks like the culprit was Syntax Highlighting for SASS .

Removed that packages and all is well again. :slight_smile:

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I just looked over it, this package was recently updated, and 2 days ago someone had opened a issue announcing your problem. You can see it on:

  1. Latest version broke Symbol Browser
  2. latest update completely broke highlight

Perhaps you can add some adicional info on the issue, if you see something missing there.

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Goto Symbol in project - no longer returning sass/css selectors

I was having the same problem for the past week. Disabling “Babel” fix it for me.