Inspired by EJ12N’s PowerUser getOnlineHelp class is a Google looker-upper. It takes the scope of the file and appends it to a Google search of either the word under the cursor or the selected text.
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import webbrowser
class googleItCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
This will search a word or a selection coupled with the file's
scope. Default binding recommendation: "ctrl + alt + forward_slash"
def run(self, edit):
if len(self.view.file_name()) > 0:
word = self.view.substr(self.view.word(self.view.sel()[0].begin()))
scope = self.view.scope_name(self.view.sel()[0].begin()).strip()
getlang = scope.split('.')
language = getlang-1]
sublime.status_message('googleIt invoked-- ' + 'Scope: ' + scope + \
' Word: ' + word + ' Language: ' + language)
for region in self.view.sel():
phrase = self.view.substr(region)
search = ''
# Feeling lucky? Use '' instead
if not region.empty():
webbrowser.open_new_tab(search + phrase + " " + language)
webbrowser.open_new_tab(search + word + " " + language)
def is_enabled(self):
return self.view.file_name() and len(self.view.file_name()) > 0
User key bindings
{ "keys": "ctrl+alt+forward_slash"], "command": "google_it" }