Sublime Forum

Go To Symbol enhancements, icons like VSCode


This could be useful to differentiate classes, methods, functions, arrows functions. Also bigger text and if possible, colored like in the syntax, for example let’s say we extracted the function declaration:

[Icon] function myFunction(a:number, b:string):any

It would show it having same color as the code window. Is it possible to do it now with some extension?

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it’s not possible to change the color of the items in the symbol list atm, but maybe you could handle icons by updating the regex transformation to include an emoji or something?

see also



I have thought the same thing regarding autocompletion (on_query_completions in the API). Colour would make it a lot easier to distinguish and quickly find items in the popup.

The coloured part does not even have to be an icon, it could just be a coloured text prefix. The API already has a mechanism for some form of “markup” in the items in the autocompletion popup:

The trigger may contain a tab character (\t) followed by a hint to display in the right-hand side of the completion box.

This could be enhanced to allow something like

\c(red)constant\c(reset) Foo\tFloat
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