Sublime Forum

Go to anything (or quick switch) within currently open files



I usually work on multiple files in a two-column setup. Is there a way to open Go to Anything in a mode that will only search through open files? The reason this would be useful to me is that there might be hundreds of files in my project which have the keywords I’m searching for, but only one or two among the open files. So even though I know that the file is open, I have to wade through a bunch of files that I know for certain I don’t need.

Even if I ignore the above behavior, another problem with the current implementation of Go To Anything I have is that if the file I want is open in the other column, Sublime will open it again in the current column instead of switching to the one already opened.

I guess the feature I’m looking for is “quick switching between open files with fuzzy search”. Is there a feature or setting I’ve overlooked? Or a plugin?




I was about to ask the same question. Disappointed to see no one has replied. Maybe it’s already been incorporated into ST, but I’d love to know more about it, if that’s the case.

I just want to start some kind of Go To Anything text-entry box, but only have the result set be of the files already open. That way I don’t have to worry having to type too much with my filename search. I’ve got maybe 20 files open at a time, and it just takes too long to hit the drop down to see the whole file list and read through them all to find the right one.

Also, by restricting the results, I know I’m not opening a similarly-named file somewhere else in the project.

I’m using ST3 in Windows.



Better late than never.

I find this use case super valuable to my workflow ( I wish there was something like this built into the core ). I started using this package which seems to do the job.