Sublime Forum

GitLens for Sublime?


Has anyone used GitLens in VSCode? I’m interested if there is something similar to it for Sublime Text, ideally using the Phantom API and if not, should we not look at making one, because it’s amazing.

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Played around with it a little bit.

Some of its features are part of existing ST packages, some are not. Maybe add useful features to existing packages instead of creating new one?

  • GitSavvy provides a comprehensive framework to interact with git in various ways.
  • GitGutter can and does open files of specific commits in order to create the gutter and diff popup. Using that file to pass it to SBSCompare or something like that should be doable.

As you mention Phantom API I guess you like the blame comment at the end of the active line?

There was a recent feature request to add blame information to GitGutter. Using a dedicated popup may cause conflicts with other plugins, but providing them in the way GitLens does, may be useful.



Blame information in phantoms is available using this package:

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This is now supported in GitGutter!

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Does it work on Sublime 2?



The blame info is displayed in the status bar of ST2, but line annotations require phantoms, which are not supported by ST2.