Sublime Forum

Github integration


I’d be interested in moving to Sublime Merge (from GitHub Desktop on Mac) but it doesn’t have the “publish” feature to sync commits with which I rely on. Is there a way I can still achieve this using Sublime Merge? I’d be happy with a script or anything else that works as seamlessly as GitHub Desktop

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Based on this, it looks like the publish button creates a repo & sets origin or just pushes the new commits. Creating the repo on GitHub is not supported in Sublime Merge, however ‘syncing’ commits is just running git push and can be done by running the push command or the up arrow on the top right of the window.



You’re right it does actually synch with GitHub via the “Remotes” in the Locations tab. I just did a test using the push button and it asked for my GitHub account and uploaded correctly. Thanks.



Can anyone elaborate how you create a new repo on github please? Bit new to sublime merge and git in general.



For my test I just created the repo on GitHub and then copied the URL which I used to add a new remote location in Sublime Merge.



Ah yeah that would be a good way to do it, just create elsewhere then clone. As I am still learning I tend to use Github official client still anyway, then sublime merge for most stuff as its fast and the command line when learning more complex stuff.