Sublime Forum

GitGutter in place but not working


I’m not sure if this screenshot will upload correctly but the issue I have is that gitgutter is installed but does not add any markers in the gutter or show any differences such as I’ve seen in videos.
I have the config and the ‘View/Git Gutter/Enabled for view’ is checked.
The footer in sublime shows changes against the repo but I think that is just standard sublime and not the gitgutter package.
Any help would be appreciated.
(MacOs Catalina - Latest Sublime 3).

Oh it did, so here’s the other shot:



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Brilliant! Thank you so much :slight_smile: That made my day.
I actually read the post at about 1:30am but was too far down a bottle of red wine to get to a desk to try it :wink:
Much appreciated indeed.

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