Sublime Forum

Git-flow issue - failed exit code 129 missing args


I’m trying out the git-flow commands inside Sublime Merge and I’m having some issues with it.
I have a local repo for now, I’ve “Initialized Git Flow” under Tools menu and it looks like it initialized ok. The menu in Sublime Merge now looks like this:

So when I try to start a new feature branch using “Start Git Flow Feature Branch” I get the following error message:
Error git failed with exit code 129
Missing argument name
See image below. I am bit unsure what to do, I don’t see any way to add this missing argument in the ui?



It seems when running through the Tools menu the command doesn’t work properly.
When running git flow commands in the Command Palette (Ctrl+P) everything works fine as it asks for the branch name for the new branch. I think I’m going to run things from the command palette from now on anyway, it seems to be way faster and more efficient when you start getting used to it.