Sublime Forum

Gem Browser (For Rails Devs and people who use Bundler)


[size=150]Gem Browser

For Ruby on Rails Developers and others using Bundler.
This plugin takes the hassle off when trying to read the code of gems you are using in a Rails (or ruby with bundler) project. Gem Browser provides a simple command called ‘List Gems’, which will list all the gems that have been installed via bundle for the project folder (via the bundle list command), and will open any gem that you choose in a new window with the code ready for inspection and EVEN modification in real time (via the bundle show command and a call to the sublime text 2 command line utility)

Gem Browser has been tested in OS X with RVM, Linux with rbenv and Windows with RubyInstaller.

You can install it via the Package Control and get the code from

Contact us via twitter @bbonamin or @nan1488

Known bugs
Doesn’t work with projects that use rvm gemsets (yet)

Version 0.1-alpha (initial version)



I love you.



Hi Question-

Installed railsinstaller (using windows) and sublime.

Then I was instructed to create hidden folder from the command prompt doing

C:\ subl /.gemrc

Sublime opens with that folder name

Then instructed to save the below text in order to get rid of the gem files that installed that we dont need…
Listing 1.2 from Michael Hartl: … c-rubygems

install: --no-rdoc --no-ri
update: --no-rdoc --no-ri

issue is it keeps saying it cant find the file (see attached)

someone suggested to use notepad ++ instead bc sublime supposedly has issues but I do not wish to change editors. Any advice?



.gemrc should be a file not a folder