Sublime Forum

Fuzzy Filepath Completion



I uploaded a filename autocompletion plugin on github. It completes your typed filepath, based on files found within your project. Filepaths are inserted relative or absolute, depending on your current scope or command. There is a similar plugin AutoFileName available, but it uses filesystem exploration instead of search. Since i don’t like remembering things but having fast results, i prefer FuzzyFilePath.

I am curious if someone else might find this helpful and would be glad to get some Feedback.

Enjoy your Weekend.



Hi Again.

Updated the Plugin to support Sublime Text 2 and made it available in Package Control by FuzzyFilePath.




Please provide an easy way to disable plugin keymaps, because it kind of conflicts with others…



Keymap files are loaded directly by Sublime

  • As far as i know, keymap-conflicts should be resolved by overwriting the shortcuts in “Preferences” -> “Key Bindings - User”.
  • If you installed the Plugin via git you could easily delete and ignore any “.sublime-keymap” files in the package.

Unfortunately, i see no option to disable the actions placed in “Default.sublime-keymap” files, while still giving default shortcut proposals. Are there any solutions (besides completely removing the keymaps) i am not aware of?

PS: Are there email notifications for replies in this forum?



Take a look Emmet plugin and see how they do it.

Forum doesn’t provide a subscribe option.



Thanks for the hint. I did release an update of FuzzyFilePath (for Sublime Text 3), containing bugfixes and some more options.
Details on the new settings are documented in the README. Two of these options are



I hope this works as expected and may solve your issue. I also added FuzzyFilePath configuration to the Menu in Sublime Text | Preferences | Package Settings | FuzzyFilePath. This should help managing the configurations.