Text entry has become painfully laggy, particularly so following save.
Having studiously investigated this forum for the appropriate strategy of diagnosis and repair, I located a fact pattern indicating that the delay is caused by Default.history_list and LaTeXTools.latextools.detect_spellcheck – a fact pattern which has been pretty stable, and which is evidenced in this recent call on Plugin Event Profile (closely following an App restart):
Default.history_list: 0.311s total, mean: 0.003s, max: 0.156s
LaTeXTools.latextools.preview: 0.022s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.006s
PackageResourceViewer.package_resource_viewer: 0.008s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s
LaTeXTools.latextools.biblatex_syntax_listener: 0.001s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s
LaTeXTools.latextools.detect_spellcheck: 0.049s total, mean: 0.012s, max: 0.013s
LaTeXTools.latextools.latextools_cache_listener: 0.012s total, mean: 0.003s, max: 0.011s
LaTeXTools.latextools.tex_syntax_listener: 0.000s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s
ColorSchemeEditor.ColorSchemeEditor-ST2: 0.000s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s
Default.history_list: 0.320s total, mean: 0.003s, max: 0.157s
LaTeXTools.latextools.preview: 0.091s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.078s
ScopeHunter.scope_hunter: 0.011s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s
And I then attempted to deactivate these packages:
But I find that sometimes these packages simply vanish from the ignored_packages list, and have to be re-added manually (which, to my understanding, is contrary to the design structure); and even when they have been re-added, they appear to still be not deactivated (so, for instance the “jump” command still works – I thought it relies on Default.history_list – not to mention that the lagginess does not go away).
Any idea what I am doing wrong?