Sublime Forum

Frustrating inability to deactivate packages


Text entry has become painfully laggy, particularly so following save.

Having studiously investigated this forum for the appropriate strategy of diagnosis and repair, I located a fact pattern indicating that the delay is caused by Default.history_list and LaTeXTools.latextools.detect_spellcheck – a fact pattern which has been pretty stable, and which is evidenced in this recent call on Plugin Event Profile (closely following an App restart):

Default.history_list: 0.311s total, mean: 0.003s, max: 0.156s
LaTeXTools.latextools.preview: 0.022s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.006s
PackageResourceViewer.package_resource_viewer: 0.008s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s

LaTeXTools.latextools.biblatex_syntax_listener: 0.001s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s
LaTeXTools.latextools.detect_spellcheck: 0.049s total, mean: 0.012s, max: 0.013s
LaTeXTools.latextools.latextools_cache_listener: 0.012s total, mean: 0.003s, max: 0.011s
LaTeXTools.latextools.tex_syntax_listener: 0.000s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s

ColorSchemeEditor.ColorSchemeEditor-ST2: 0.000s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s
Default.history_list: 0.320s total, mean: 0.003s, max: 0.157s
LaTeXTools.latextools.preview: 0.091s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.078s
ScopeHunter.scope_hunter: 0.011s total, mean: 0.000s, max: 0.000s

And I then attempted to deactivate these packages:


But I find that sometimes these packages simply vanish from the ignored_packages list, and have to be re-added manually (which, to my understanding, is contrary to the design structure); and even when they have been re-added, they appear to still be not deactivated (so, for instance the “jump” command still works – I thought it relies on Default.history_list – not to mention that the lagginess does not go away).

Any idea what I am doing wrong?

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As the setting name clearly states, you can only disable packages, not only single plugins in packages.

Line 2 and 3 are such plugins.

Default package can’t be disabled as it would render whole ST unusable.

Invalid entries are auto-removed by Package Control.

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I see, thank you very much: I had been confused about the package/plugin distinction.

In light of this, do you have any suggestions as to how I might move forward on solving the latency problem? It is really intolerable.



In case typing lag happens right after saving LaTeX documents, my best guess from provided information is LaTeXTools causing some load analysing document. It runs in a background thread, but due to how python works it is still possible to have some impact on UI update rate.

It would be interesting to know how big such document was and how long the “Updating LaTeXTools cache” indicator runs in statusbar.

Whether analysis is performed automatically after saving can be controlled by following settings in LaTeXTools.sublime-settings

	// analysis: the internal view that LaTeXTools has of your document
	"cache.analysis.update_on_load": true,
	"cache.analysis.update_on_save": true,

	// bibliography: ensures the bibliography is parsed and cached
	"cache.bibliography.update_on_load": true,
	"cache.bibliography.update_on_save": true,
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Adjusting these .update_on_save values to “false” solved the problem. 1000 thanks!



Note, various completions (references, bibliography, …) depending on document analysis being up-to-date.

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