// Add a space after completions if the auto complete engine thinks
// they’re likely enough
“auto_complete_trailing_spaces”: true,
// Snippets will not be included in the auto complete when this is
// false. They can still be triggered by typing their tab trigger in, and
// pressing tab when auto complete is not showing.
"auto_complete_include_snippets": true,
// When this is set to false, snippets won't be present in the auto
// complete dialog when typing, instead they'll only be shown in the auto
// complete dialog when it's explicitly triggered
"auto_complete_include_snippets_when_typing": true,
// Syntax will not be detected for files larger than this size. This makes
// loading large files significantly faster. Set to 0 to always perform
// syntax detection. The default is 16MiB.
"syntax_detection_size_limit": 16777216,
// A list of wildcard patterns specifying which snippet files to ignore.
// For example, to ignore all the default C++ snippets, set this to
// ["C++/*"]
"ignored_snippets": [],
// These settings hide various parts of the UI automatically when typing.
// Moving the mouse will show them again.
"auto_hide_menu": false,
"auto_hide_tabs": false,
"auto_hide_status_bar": false,
// Related to auto_hide_tabs, if this is enabled, tabs will be momentarily
// displayed when switching files. Tabs will automatically hidden upon
// resuming typing or after a fixed amount of time.
"reveal_tabs_with_timeout": false,
// When false, disables alt-tapping revealing the menu when hidden on Linux
// and Windows. Does not affect auto hiding or toggling the menu through
// the command palette.
"reveal_menu": true,
// If true, when typing the mouse pointer/cursor will be hidden. Moving the
// pointer will unhide it. This setting has no effect on macOS.
"hide_pointer_while_typing": true,
// By default, shift+tab will only unindent if the selection spans
// multiple lines. When pressing shift+tab at other times, it'll insert a
// tab character - this allows tabs to be inserted when tab_completion is
// enabled. Set this to true to make shift+tab always unindent, instead of
// inserting tabs.
"shift_tab_unindent": false,
// If true, the copy and cut commands will operate on the current line
// when the selection is empty, rather than doing nothing.
"copy_with_empty_selection": true,
// If true, the selected text will be copied into the find panel when it's
// shown.
// On Mac, this value is overridden in the platform specific settings.
"find_selected_text": true,
// If true, patterns copied from selected text to the find panel will
// automatically be escaped when doing a regex search.
"regex_auto_escape": true,
// When auto_find_in_selection is enabled, the "Find in Selection" flag will
// be enabled automatically when multiple lines of text are selected.
// "find_only" or "replace_only" may also be used to only enable this
// behavior for the find or replace panel respectively.
"auto_find_in_selection": false,
// This determines whether the find panel is closed when the "Find All"
// or "Replace All" buttons are pressed. Note this does not change the
// keybinding behavior.
"close_find_after_find_all": true,
"close_find_after_replace_all": true,
// Whether to highlight find results in the scrollbar
"highlight_find_results_in_scrollbar": true,
// The maximum number of find results to show in the scroll bar. If this
// number is exceeded no results will be shown. Use 0 to remove this limit.
"find_scroll_highlights_limit": 8192,
// The maximum file size that the "Highlight matches" option is used for.
// Highlighting all matches requires searching the whole file while typing
// the search query which can quickly get slow. Use 0 to remove this limit.
"find_highlight_matches_max_size": 16777216, // 16MiB
// Same as "find_highlight_matches_max_size" but used when regex is enabled.
"find_regex_highlight_matches_max_size": 1048576, // 1MiB
// The maximum output size for find-in-files. Prevents searches with a large
// number of results from using too much memory. Use 0 to remove this limit.
"find_in_files_max_result_size": 16777216, // 16MiB
// Files over this size will be skipped. This prevents searches from using
// up all available memory when large files are present. Note that on
// computers with many cores more than one file will be loaded at once. Use
// 0 to remove this limit.
"find_in_files_max_file_size": 104857600, // 100MiB
// Open search results from find in files buffer side-by-side.
"find_in_files_side_by_side": false,
// The number of context lines to show for each result
"find_in_files_context_lines": 2,
// The number of characters within the line surrounding each result to
// display beyond which text is omitted. A value of 0 will remove any limit.
"find_in_files_context_characters": 300,
// Error messages from failing to open and search files will be suppressed
// from results
"find_in_files_suppress_errors": false,
// When drag_text is enabled, clicking on selected text will begin a
// drag-drop operation.
"drag_text": true,
// Take focus when a file is dragged and dropped onto Sublime Text. On
// Windows this value is overidden to true in the platform specific
// settings.
"focus_on_file_drop": false,
// User Interface Settings
// The theme controls the look of Sublime Text's UI (buttons, tabs, scroll
// bars, etc)
// The value "auto" will switch between the "light_theme" and "dark_theme"
// based on the operating system appearance.
"theme": "auto",
// Controls the "theme" when to "auto"
"light_theme": "Default.sublime-theme",
"dark_theme": "Default Dark.sublime-theme",
// Adaptive theme only: controls if a custom or default title bar is used.
// Note that on Windows, the hamburger menu is used whenever this is
// enabled and the adaptive theme is in use.
"themed_title_bar": true,
// Controls the style of file tabs for the Default, Default Dark, and
// Adaptive themes.
// Options: "rounded", "square"
// The value "angled" provides the tab style from Sublime Text 3, but is
// only compatible with the Default and Adaptive themes, and will not
// support new features like inactive pane dimming.
"file_tab_style": "rounded",
// If inactive sheets should have their background slightly modified to
// make input focus more obvious.
"inactive_sheet_dimming": true,
// Set to 0 to disable smooth scrolling. Set to a value between 0 and 1 to
// scroll slower, or set to larger than 1 to scroll faster
"scroll_speed": 1.0,
// Controls sidebar animation when expanding or collapsing folders
"tree_animation_enabled": true,
// Controls animation throughout the application
"animation_enabled": true,
// Makes tabs with modified files more visible
"highlight_modified_tabs": false,
// Hides the tab close button when false
"show_tab_close_buttons": true,
// Determines which side the close button is on
"show_tab_close_buttons_on_left": false,
// Show folders in the sidebar in bold
"bold_folder_labels": false,
// Draw divider lines between sections of the UI when using the Adaptive theme
"adaptive_dividers": false,
// Draw shadows under popup windows
"popup_shadows": true,
// Mac only. Controls use of macOS tabs in 10.12 and newer. Each native tab
// contains an entire project, thus allowing multiple projects in a single
// window. Valid values are "system", "preferred" and "disabled".
"native_tabs": "system",
// Whether new tabs should favor opening after the current tab or at the end
// of the list of tabs.
"open_tabs_after_current": true,
// Valid values are "system", "enabled" and "disabled"
"overlay_scroll_bars": "system",
// Allows tabs to scroll left and right, instead of simply shrinking
"enable_tab_scrolling": true,
// Hides the buttons for scrolling tabs left/right, requiring use of a
// trackpad or mouse scroll wheel
"hide_tab_scrolling_buttons": false,
// Hides the new tab button
"hide_new_tab_button": false,
// Display the toggle sidebar button in the status bar
"show_sidebar_button": true,
// Display the git status in the status bar, requires the show_git_status
// setting to be enabled
"show_git_status_in_status_bar": true,
// Display file encoding in the status bar
"show_encoding": false,
// Display line endings in the status bar
"show_line_endings": false,
// Display indentation in the status bar
"show_indentation": true,
// Display syntax in the status bar
"show_syntax": true,
// Show Line, Column in the status bar in full length, compact or completely
// hidden. Valid values are "enabled", "compact" and "disabled"
"show_line_column": "enabled",
// Display misspelled words in the status bar
"show_spelling_errors": true,
// Magnifies the entire user interface. Sublime Text must be restarted for
// this to take effect. 1.0 is normal scale, 0.0 allows for auto-detection
// based on text scale with older Linux configurations that don't fully
// support GTK display scaling.
"ui_scale": 0.0,
// Enables hardware accelerated rendering. This moves rendering to your GPU,
// allowing for faster rendering at higher resolutions. Changing this
// setting requires an application restart to take effect.
// - "none": Performs CPU rendering.
// - "opengl": Uses OpenGL for rendering. Minimum required version is 4.1
// On Mac, this value is overridden in the platform specific settings.
"hardware_acceleration": "none",
// Application Behavior Settings
// Exiting the application with hot_exit enabled will cause it to close
// immediately without prompting. Unsaved modifications and open files will
// be preserved and restored when next starting.
// Hot exit has different modes to choose from:
// - "always": Always perform a hot exit when the application exits. This
// includes when the last window is closed on relevant
// platforms.
// - "only_on_quit": Only perform a hot exit when the application is asked
// to exit, not when the last window is closed. This
// setting is only used on Windows and Linux.
// - "disabled": Disable hot exit.
"hot_exit": "always",
// Closing projects with hot_exit_projects enabled will cause it to close
// immediately without prompting. Unsaved modifications and open files will
// be preserved in the workspace file and restored when reopened.
"hot_exit_projects": true,
// remember_full_screen will allow Sublime Text to start in full screen
// mode if it was exited in full screen mode. When set to false, Sublime
// Text will never start in full screen mode.
"remember_full_screen": false,
// remember_workspace makes Sublime Text remember what workspace each window
// was in last. When set to false the OS left to determine which workspace
// a window is opened in. This doesn't work with Wayland.
"remember_workspace": true,
// remember_layout makes Sublime Text start with the same layout it closed
// with. Only applies when hot_exit is disabled.
"remember_layout": false,
// Whether the system's native recent files/folders list should be updated
// by Sublime Text.
"update_system_recent_files": true,
// Mac only. If the user's default shell should be invoked to obtain the
// user's customized environment variables. May be a boolean, or a string
// of the path the shell to invoke. Sublime Text must be restarted for this
// to take effect.
"shell_environment": true,
// Whether to reload a file if it has changed on disk.
"reload_file_on_change": true,
// Always prompt before reloading a file, even if the file hasn't been
// modified. If a file has unsaved changes, a prompt will always be shown.
// Will only show if "reload_file_on_change" is true.
"always_prompt_for_file_reload": false,
// When reopening Sublime Text close saved files that have been deleted from
// the filesystem (Unsaved files will not be closed). If this setting is
// false no files will be closed, instead they will be restored as empty
// files.
// This is useful when working from an unstable networked file system where
// tabs would be lost if the connection wasn't active.
"close_deleted_files": true,
// When files are opened from a file explorer or from the command line, this
// controls whether a new window is created or not.
// - "never": Never open a new window unless no window is open.
// - "always": Always open files in a new window.
// - "finder_only": (macOS only) Only open files in a new window when
// opening them from finder or dragging onto the dock icon.
// On Mac, this value is overridden in the platform specific settings.
"open_files_in_new_window": "never",
// Mac only: This controls if an empty window is created at startup or not.
"create_window_at_startup": true,
// Mac only: Show recent files on the Touch Bar.
"show_navigation_bar": true,
// Mac only: Use global find clipboard.
"use_find_clipboard": true,
// Set to true to close windows as soon as the last file is closed, unless
// there's a folder open within the window.
// On Mac, this value is overridden in the platform specific settings, so
// you'll need to place this line in your user settings to override it.
"close_windows_when_empty": false,
// Show the full path to files in the title bar. On Mac, this value is
// overridden in the platform specific settings, with a default value of
// false.
"show_full_path": true,
// Show the relative path to files in the title bar. This overrides
// show_full_path for files that are listed in the sidebar, however
// show_full_path is still used for other files.
"show_rel_path": false,
// Show "project - file" or "file - project" in the title bar.
"show_project_first": false,
// Shows the Build Results panel when building. If set to false, the Build
// Results can be shown via the Tools/Build Results menu.
"show_panel_on_build": true,
// Shows build errors just under the line on which they occur.
"show_errors_inline": true,
// Shows git repository information next to files in sidebar and in
// the status bar. Sublime Text has to be restarted for this to take
// effect.
"show_git_status": true,
// Enables showing git status for a git repository in the user's home
// directory. This is disabled by default since it is typically accidental
// and can cause heavy CPU usage related to file system watches.
"allow_git_home_dir": false,
// This setting determines whether tracked Git files should be diffed
// against the index or HEAD.
// Valid values are "index" or "head"
"git_diff_target": "index",
// The path to the Sublime Merge executable. This should only be set if
// Sublime Merge is not installed in a standard location, such as when
// using a portable install. Set to 'null' to hide Sublime Merge
// integrations.
"sublime_merge_path": "",
// Preview file contents when clicking on a file in the sidebar. Double
// clicking or editing the preview will open the file and assign it a tab.
// - true: Always preview on click, including right click
// - false: Never preview
// - "only_left": Only preview on left click, right click will change the
// selection but not preview the file.
"preview_on_click": true,
// Controls the behavior when clicking on a single file in the sidebar
// that's already open.
// - true: If the file is already open in any group it will be selected.
// - false: Only if the file is open in the focused group will it be
// selected, otherwise a new view into the file is opened.
"select_across_groups": false,
// Controls the maximum number of lines kept in the console's history. Note
// a large limit will increase memory usage. Use 0 to remove any limit.
"console_max_history_lines": 3000,
// folder_exclude_patterns and file_exclude_patterns control which files are
// listed in folders on the sidebar. These can also be set on a per-
// project basis.
"folder_exclude_patterns": [".svn", ".git", ".hg", "CVS", ".Trash", ".Trash-*"],
"file_exclude_patterns": ["*.pyc", "*.pyo", "*.exe", "*.dll", "*.obj","*.o", "*.a", "*.lib", "*.so", "*.dylib", "*.ncb", "*.sdf", "*.suo", "*.pdb", "*.idb", ".DS_Store", ".directory", "desktop.ini", "*.class", "*.psd", "*.db", "*.sublime-workspace"],
// These files will still show up in the sidebar, but won't be included in
// Goto Anything or Find in Files
"binary_file_patterns": ["*.jpg", "*.jpeg", "*.png", "*.gif", "*.ttf", "*.tga", "*.dds", "*.ico", "*.eot", "*.pdf", "*.swf", "*.jar", "*.zip"],
// Files that will be opened as an image rather than a text file. Files can
// still be opened as either text or an image vie the File menu
"image_file_patterns": ["*.jpeg", "*.jpg", "*.gif", "*.png", "*.ico", "*.bmp", "*.tga", "*.psd", "*.ppm", "*.pgm", "*.webp", "*.hdr"],
// File indexing parses all files in the sidebar, and builds an index of
// their symbols. This is required for Goto Definition to work.
"index_files": true,
// Set the number threads to use for indexing. A value of 0 will make
// Sublime Text guess based on the number of cores. Use the index_files
// setting to disable all workers. This requires a restart to take effect.
"index_workers": 0,
// Sets whether the indexer should exclude files ignored by git.
"index_exclude_gitignore": true,
// Whether unknown file extensions should be checked for indexing or skipped
// entirely. If a file extension is not being recognised we suggest
// setting/changing the default syntax for that extension instead of turning
// this setting off.
"index_skip_unknown_extensions": true,
// index_exclude_patterns indicate which files won't be indexed.
"index_exclude_patterns": ["*.log"],
// Determines whether Goto Anything should exclude files ignored by git.
"goto_anything_exclude_gitignore": false,
// Preview file contents in Goto Anything
"goto_anything_file_preview": true,
// When Vintage, the vi emulation package, is enabled
// (see ignored_packages, below), this setting controls if files are opened
// in command mode or insert mode by default
"vintage_start_in_command_mode": false,
// Yank commands can place the text in either an internal register, or in
// the system clipboard.
"vintage_use_clipboard": false,
// By default Vintage will interpret all ctrl+<key> key bindings as
// regular Sublime Text key bindings. Set this to true to make ctrl keys
// act as they do in vim, instead (e.g., ctrl+f to move forward a page).
"vintage_ctrl_keys": false,
// relative_line_numbers will draw each line number as the distance from
// the current line. Useful in conjunction with Vintage.
"relative_line_numbers": false,
// List any packages to ignore here. When removing entries from this list,
// a restart may be required if the package contains plugins.
"ignored_packages": ["Vintage"]