Hi, I’m struggling to understand why my data tables are blowing up the reindent (auto-format) function in sublime text 2. Has anyone else noticed this happening? Any idea on a fix?
It seems to be only happen within tables, that I’ve noticed so far.
Hi, I’m struggling to understand why my data tables are blowing up the reindent (auto-format) function in sublime text 2. Has anyone else noticed this happening? Any idea on a fix?
It seems to be only happen within tables, that I’ve noticed so far.
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You are talking about the edit -> tag -> auto-format tags on document?
This is added by “Tag” Package.
Do you have an old version installed? Check Preferences -> Package control -> Upgrade Packages
If not try to explain what you do and what you expect.
I was using the reindent command, as I read this was the way to get it to format correctly.
Edit: I’ve just installed “tag” and that was what I was looking for, thanks