Sublime Forum

Force set Line Ending to `unix` on Windows 10


Hi, i am using Windows 10 version 1089 LTSC and Sublime text 3 dev build 3210.

I have 2 Sourcetree brandes in my project: master and dev, set Line Ending to Unix to both
And setting: "default_line_ending": "unix"
But, every time I switch branches, Line Ending goes back to windows (CRLF) instead of unix (LF)

So, how can i set Line Ending to unix to every time?



How did you set line ending on branches?
Usually setting in a .gitattributes:

* text=auto
*.* text eol=lf

forces line endings to be Unix stye on all systems.

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I added .gitattributes file as far as you said but it still doesn’t work.
Add to path: C:\Users\admin\Documents\Pojects\my-project\.git\info follow the instructions here
On my macOS, it’s still that project but everything is working smoothly ( I have macbook with boot camp )
Once again please help :expressionless:



if you haven’t used gitattributes before, I’d suggest to read the git docs.
While stackoverflow may be helpfull, you better understand the basics first.



$ git config --global core.autocrlf input
This configuration works for me, many thank!