Sublime Forum

( for highly experienced sublimed users - about note taking ) -- how do you structure, order, name, title your notes so you can find exactly what you're looking for?


onenote has highly limited search - just like google

im thinking about atom or sublime since there really isn’t anything else out there that’s any good when it comes to note-taking in 2017…

  • finding what you’re looking for by only name/title is very hard cos there’s lots of words/things within each name/title

  • if sublime is able to search within the notes, which it likely can, the search would find too many things also making it very hard

( for highly experienced sublimed users - about note taking ) – how do you structure, order, name, title your notes so you can find exactly what you’re looking for?

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I’m a beginner using css to design a webpage. As a request i would like to know if their is a website that have video to make me better in my performance.