Sublime Forum

"font_options": ["ss01"] does not work if not in Regular weight


I am the designer for Cascadia Code and we have discovered a limitation in Sublime Text’s implementation of Stylistic Sets.

In Cascadia Code Italic, there is a stylistic set present that enables alternate forms of certain letters for a more handwritten style. This stylistic set is not applicable, and therefore not present, in Cascadia Code Regular.

In my settings, I have written:
“font_face”: “Cascadia Code”,
“font_options”: [“ss01”],

However, this does not affect italic rendering as it appears that Sublime Text ignores the “ss01” declaration due to the feature not being present in “Cascadia Code”, never checking if “Cascadia Code Italic” has the feature. As such, users are unable to access the feature.

As it is not uncommon for Regular / Italic having different stylistic sets, I suggest checking both variants before disabling the stylistic set font feature.

More information here: