When we do this operation http://prntscr.com/ogn8qi - Sublime Merge Push feature and delete them. Can you add option to not delete feature when we finish feature?
Thanks, sorry of my bad English.
Finish Feature without delete this branch feature
If you take a look at git flow cheat-sheet (https://danielkummer.github.io/git-flow-cheatsheet/) you’ll see that finishing a feature also remove the branch by design, if want to keep that branch you can always merge it manually without using git flow command.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I do this right now. Manually it’s too much operation. Can programmers of Sublime Merge create a special option to not delete branch after finish feature?
As I already wrote, feature deletion is there by design of git flow, the “special option” you are asking for is a manual branch merge… btw… “too much operation”: git checkout develop && git merge feature/my-feature-branch…
Too bad!! Other Git apps provide this option to keep “finished branches”, such as SourceTree.