Hi, longtime paid sublime text lover and first time poster!
I wanted to share an annoyance I’ve experienced for a while - when searching through a file with folded code, sublime will reveal the code upon find, but when trying to click the area find is revealing within a folded code section, the code goes back to a folded state. I feel like this is a bit frustrating and makes the user perform more actions (i.e. then then have to go back and unfold the section first, then redo the find - this gets much more frustrating in very large files).
To compare, I would expect folded code to stay expanded if a find action discovers a folded area. Other editors like xcode do it this way.
Is there an option or any plugin hack to make code folding be a bit more ‘sloppy’ when working with find?
To compare, here’s both xcode (top) and sublimetext (bottom):