Sublime Forum

File history: Show file instead of summary tab?


When i want to see the history of a file, i get a list of all the commits where there are changes to this file.

Is there a way that when i go up and down the list of commits, to have the initial tab be the file in question, instead of the Summary tab?

We often have commits where there are modification to many different files, and it is very cumbersome to first find the file in each commit.

Please be noted, I am quite new to sublime merge, so maybe there is a better way to go through file history, that i dont know about?



File history already does this. If you search for a file using file:"Cargo.toml" only the changes made to that file will show. You can also get to this easily using … > File History on a file in a commit, or by right-click > File History from Sublime Text.



That is not my experience :frowning: When i write
or … > File History

All it does is filtering the commits to only include those with changes to the file.
When i go through the commits in the list, i still have to manually find the file in the commit, to see the changes.



What version of Sublime Merge are you using (You can find it under Help > About)? I use this feature all the time and that’s not what I’m seeing.



Build 2102, looks to be the latest:



Here’s a recording. You can see in the summary tab the only file shown is the one I’m searching for.

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Thanks a lot for the recording.
I can see now for myself that the summary tab does indeed only include the changes to the current file.

I guess this is more a UI / design choice then.
Please don’t take this a criticism, but i would like to explain the reason for my confusion.

  • As a user i would not expect the content of the summary tab of a commit to change based on external input. Now it is no longer a summary of the commit.
  • Tthe summary tab and the file tab is identical now and there is no summary of the whole commit.
  • I would expect the active tab to be the tab with the filename. when scrolling through the commits.

The way it is now, when i have identified a change in the filehistory that looks suspect, i am not able to see a summary of the commit, to explain the context of the changes in the file.
I think from Human Computer Interaction principles, it ought to be changed.

Regardless of all this, i would like to say I am very grateful for your help, showing the screen recording, and the functionality to exist.