I know that I can mount directories remotely using something like sshfs or as a network share, but it’d be really convenient if the editor could handle all the external FTP/SSH details itself.
Feature Request: Integrated ftp/ssh/sftp support
I’ve got nothing against it, but given there are ways to edit files over SSH already, it’s not high on the priority list.
I have to side with JPS here - the ability to edit files directly over ftp and especially sftp is the primary reason why JEdit remains my primary text editor.
i’m against that.
it should be done via plugins: WinSCP integration is a really good start and winscp is one of the best sftp clients around.
sublime itself should remain a editor only, not a remove file manager/browser .
[quote=“myel”]i’m against that.
it should be done via plugins: WinSCP integration is a really good start and winscp is one of the best sftp clients around.
sublime itself should remain a editor only, not a remove file manager/browser .[/quote]
I agree! An editor is an editor, not a FTP-application.
If it were relatively trivial, I’d vote for it, but I don’t think it is. I think you’re better off using a 3rd party tool, which will work with all programs, not just sublime.
An editor is a editor not a Windows Explorer yet you would expect it to be able to navigate your local files and folders.
I’m afraid but the amount of issues I had with winscp actively and randomly refusing to upload files (inner unresolved mysterious bug) can and does completely ruin my work days. Now that I moved back to windows from the mac (where I was using textmate) and had the pleasure of working with sublime, I’d hate to have to switch to a horribly bloated editor just because it offers me the ability to manage projects transparently over FTP/SFTP.
Please do consider integrating FTP/SFTP features in the current editor (maybe simply stating in the project file the remote address and protocol). I really don’t care how slow it can be, as long as it’s a standard FTP/SFTP compliant implementation without all the useless sparks that ppl puts in their clients today.
It’s a shame that winscp isn’t 100% reliable for me but after a month trying to explore the issues in the winscp forums I’m at a loss and risk to have to switch to another editor for productivity. That would totally kill me, that much I love sublime now.
+1 for integrated FTP/SFTP support in projects.
Have you tried ExpanDrive for Windows? On OS X I have been happily using ExpanDrive for some time and would hope their Windows version is just as good. It’s not free, which may be off-putting, but there’s a 30 day trial.
For what it’s worth, I think that adding FTP/SFTP support is a big, big feature and has so much potential to sap resources whilst trying to get it right that I’d personally prefer if jps spent that time working on other areas of core editor. If I were to guess the biggest barriers to uptake at the moment, I’d go for a) UI for editing preferences etc. b) a friendlier method to install packages and c) documentation. Those are certainly the things that prevent me recommending it to some, less technical, people I know who are looking for a better editor.
P.S. I am not affiliated with ExpanDrive in anyway, in case anyone wondered!
Try Webdrive. It’s been around longer than expandrive and supports more protocolos (FTPS/FTP/SFTP/WebDav/Amazon S3 etc). I use it every day and swear by it. It make every app have an online mode
WinSCP "Integration"
this feature would make me part with money for my personal projects and I’m sure I could get my company to take it up to
I’d rather see the Sublime devs continue making Sublime a kickass text editor instead of having to dedicate time to support SSH/FTP/SFTP functionality. There are plenty of dedicated SSH/FTP/SFTP clients out there that will allow you to edit a file with an external editor like Sublime.
I used to use ExpanDrive for quite a while, but it seems they’ve given up on Windows development and targeted Macs. I switched to WebDrive over a year ago and like it better. I wish it recognized a saved file quicker to transfer the file though.
the winscp plugin work quite well.
the project support needs some polish [size=50]( and with a treeview in sublime everything would be perfect… )[/size], but currently i lack time and python knowledge to support gpfsmurf with that.
i think it would takes ages to implement such a reliable sftp/ssh support as winscp provides.
I’d agree that FTP/SCP support is a good feature to aid with managing files and websites remotely. Coda does this very nicely panic.com/coda/ with both “live edit” and “publish all changes” options. A plugin is ok but baking this functionality into the software would give more reliable integration.
+1 on remote editing support.
I’m currently using a textmate clone for windows, and thinking about doing the switch to sublime text, but there are features, like this, which make me delay ‘the switch’.
expandrive 2 beta was just released for windows, works quite well with sublime text (much faster than before).