Sublime Forum

Faded icons?


(ST4, Build 4168)

Is it just me, or did all icons suddenly become faded / transparent recently? I didn’t notice exactly when it started (although I did notice that A File Icon updated recently, not sure if it’s related). Restarting ST doesn’t help.

Is there a new setting for this? I’m on default (adaptive) theme with Tricolore.tmTheme color scheme. A black-background color scheme has the same issue.





There’s not a specific setting for that in the core, no.

The first thought would be that the theme you’re using might be adding some transparency, but since you’re using one of the default ones for that to be the case you would need to have custom overrides on it, so presumably you’d know.

It may also be the case that A File Icon might have updated its icon resources to be more desaturated (or have its own configuration for controlling that; I do not use that particular package for icons), so that might be something to look into as well.

Other than that, the only thing that comes to mind is some rendering change in the core as a whole, but nothing like that has happened in quite some time I don’t think.



I found what seems to fix it for now: open Sublime Text -> Settings -> Package Settings -> A File Icon -> Settings, do anything there, and save it. I had just {size: 8} there for some reason (that’s the default), so just changing it to {}, and saving pops up an error dialog for some zzz package, but then icons become normal. :man_shrugging: