Sublime Forum

F12 and Opening Copies of File


This post describes my situation perfectly (written in 2014). I have multiple panes open with multiple tabes open in each.

To demonstrate (I can’t do giffs on my system, the files my software generates ar too large to upload to this forum):
I’ve F12ed partial_calculator::calcItrnVals in PartialCalculator.cpp


And you’ll notice that there are now two copies of PartialCalculator.hpp open, one in the top left pane and one in the bottom left pane (next to PartialCalculator.cpp)

If you look at the first screen shot, you’ll be able to see that PartialCalculator.hpp was already open in the top left pane.

How to avoid opening of this clone when using F12 please? Surely it’s just a case of looking up the workspace data(?) and “if aready exists move cursor there, if not open file and move cursor” or is there some darkness to the ST3 API i don’t understand.

Hopefully it’ll just be turning some setting to false/true, I hope.

Hope everyone’s been doing ok on this forum, it’s been a while. Love to all !
(Blinking hippies)




Aaah replying to oneself…

I’m guessing there’s no easy fix. Could someone point me in the direction of a difficult fix:
(I am going to get round to learning Python, it’s just (the dark art of) C++ multi-threading has got in the way of that particular plan)
I could write the python command, is it just a case of reading the the workspace file (the buffers section) and then “executing” a sublime command (either open, or goto the already file) ?

It seems so easy/obvious, why hasn’t (including the dev team) written it ? Or is it because there’s something else going on ?

Again all these things can be worked around (I just have to close the extra tab and in fact writting this message has probably taken more time than the amount of time I’m going to waste closing that extra tab in the next four years!) but the less the strokes one has to do to produce a product the better ! (sound familiar ?). Thoughts, assistance gratefully received.

Bon courage å tous !
