Sublime Forum

Extremely glitchy dragging tabs between windows (build 3143)


Hi there, I updated to build 3143 and now I can hardly ever manage to drag a tab from one window to another.

Sometimes the tab jumps to some weird offset all the way across the screen while dragging it, and I can’t coax it to land in the right spot no matter what. Sometimes the tab disappears completely while dragging it, but then might reappear if dragging it further. Sometimes I can’t drop the tab back into the same window I just dragged it out of if I try doing that instead. Sometimes I can drop a tab into another window, but then I can’t drag it back again to the first window. And yet occasionally it does actually just work by chance!

Running on OSX 10.11.6 .

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maybe related:



Thanks kingkeith but it doesn’t seem to be quite related, since I don’t have any minimized windows.



How many displays do you have, and at what screen resolution? in case it helps the ST devs track it down



It’s a single display on a laptop, at 1680 x 1050.

Strangely enough the tabs seem to be dragging around ok right now. I did try restarting ST earlier to fix it, but that didn’t work at the time. But at least for right now it’s started spontaneously working better.




I’ve been having this issue for a few months now. Dragging tabs to reorder will often pop them out into a new window. Also, simply clicking back and forth between tabs [somewhat] quickly, acts as a drag action, and tabs will again pop out into their own windows. This is veeery obtrusive and I’m not sure how I’ve been dealing with it this long :slight_smile:

I’m using several packages and I suspect the issue is with one of them:

A File Icon
Material Theme
Mercurial for Sublime
Package Control (duh)
Side Bar

The Material Theme does a bunch of stuff, including with the tab bar.

Here are my user settings:

{ "always_show_minimap_viewport": true, "bold_folder_labels": true, "color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme-Darker.tmTheme", "font_face": "Consolas", "font_options": [ "gray_antialias", "subpixel_antialias" ], "font_size": 8, "highlight_modified_tabs": true, "ignored_packages": [ "Vintage" ], "indent_guide_options": [ "draw_normal", "draw_active" ], "line_padding_bottom": 3, "line_padding_top": 3, "material_theme_contrast_mode": true, "material_theme_small_tab": true, "material_theme_tabs_autowidth": true, "material_theme_tree_headings": true, "overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled", "theme": "Material-Theme-Darker.sublime-theme", "word_wrap": true }