Sublime Forum

Exposing the Default package on github


Sublime text has a rich ecosystem of 3rd party plugins that do almost everything, but sometimes you may not be too interested in looking for the best plugin that implements a certain feature among many alternatives, sometimes you can’t find the right one and youre not interested in implementing your own, or simply the feature feels right at home as a builtin than an installable (better folding, settings input handler…).
Now sublime text ships with some builtin plugins in it’s Default package, that do make sublime text leaner, but i believe many would like to contribute to the development of those plugins, implement new features, fix some bugs…
Sublime developers should exploit this momentum to boost the workrate on their product as the workrate is slow compared to open soure atom or vscode which have more builtin features, and that by exposing the Default package as a github repository.



I personally don’t think this is a great idea, because everyone will have an opinion on what new functionality should be Default, and will flood the ST devs will pull requests for all sorts of fluff, and take more time away from the time they can spend developing. I think the current system of proposing patches on the core issues tracker seems to be working fairly well.



I honestly didn’t know there was a sublime text issue tracker :sweat_smile:, I was only aware of sublimehq,
I was looking to propose a patch but couldn’t find it so i assumed that it doesn’t exist,and wrote this
I’ll post suggest my patch there. Thanks @kingkeith.



I don’t think that we really need to add new user-facing features to Default, but there are nevertheless some improvements I’d make. Some of the really old TextMate-derived functionality is inflexible and glitchy, like auto-comments. (Some users have commented that VS Code’s JSX commenting is far better than Sublime’s, and I’m reluctantly forced to agree.) I don’t think it’s possible to implement JSX commenting correctly at this point without writing a new comment command from scratch. However, if the existing commenting code were slightly refactored, then other packages could hook into it in a
minimally invasive fashion.

Importantly, this kind of improvement could be made purely in Python with no functional changes (other than improved flexibility for package authors).

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Support for React/JSX