Sublime Forum

ExportHTML use


My objective is to export my work with an HTML format so that I can later view the syntax highlighting in a browser. I downloaded the ExportHtml-master directory (from gitHub) and placed it in the ST packages folder.

So now where do I go from here to export a file as HTML?



use the command palette as per the documentation:



I am not sure what you are trying to do, but to use ExportHTML it should be in the Installed Packages folder. It is probably better to install it with Package Control.



I will echo what @Jackeroo mentioned. Use Package Control, that is how it is designed to be installed. You can install manually by following instructions, but if you don’t know what you are doing, stick to Package Control.



Once ExportHTML is properly installed, all you do is right-click on your document and choose Export.
This will open up a sub-menu and you can pick from that. First, you should go to Preferences -> Package Settings -> ExportHTML, and study the documentation and Quick Start guide. You may also want to adjust the Settings.



I followed the instructions that facelessuser provided for manual installation, and still not working. When I bring up the Package Control, it lists the following options:

  • ExportHtml:Documentation
  • ExportHtml:Settings
  • ExportHtml:Quick Start Guide

The first option does open up the web page.

However the second option gives me the following error message: The settings file “res://Packages/ExportHtml/ExportHtml.sublime-settings” could not be opened.

That file is in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ExportHtml-master.

The last option, Quick Start Guide, does nothing.

Also, when I right-click to use the Export menu option, the HTML sub-option is greyed out.

Per Jackeroo, I went to Preferences -> Package Settings -> ExportHTML. That is option is listed, but is also inoperable.

Finally, note that the package folder is named “ExportHtml-master.” Is that correct? Should it be just “ExportHtml?”



The manual instructions on the ExportHtml documentation site actually covers this exact question and states the folder should be named ExportHtml. As always though, I suggest using Package Control.



That fixed it. Duh… I feel so stupid. Thanks for your patience.