I followed the instructions that facelessuser provided for manual installation, and still not working. When I bring up the Package Control, it lists the following options:
- ExportHtml:Documentation
- ExportHtml:Settings
- ExportHtml:Quick Start Guide
The first option does open up the web page.
However the second option gives me the following error message: The settings file “res://Packages/ExportHtml/ExportHtml.sublime-settings” could not be opened.
That file is in ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/ExportHtml-master.
The last option, Quick Start Guide, does nothing.
Also, when I right-click to use the Export menu option, the HTML sub-option is greyed out.
Per Jackeroo, I went to Preferences -> Package Settings -> ExportHTML. That is option is listed, but is also inoperable.
Finally, note that the package folder is named “ExportHtml-master.” Is that correct? Should it be just “ExportHtml?”