Sublime Forum

Escaping curly brackets in snippet


In snippets, I can’t use tab to go to another placeholder $1 or ${1:sublime_is_awesome}
When string contains curly brackets like this:

\{% $0 %\}
	<!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
	<!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->

As u see I tried to escape but nothing happens :frowning:
After lunching snippet and pressing tab It goes to an end of the string and removes { } from whole string.
It doesn’t go to $0 at it supposed to do.

Please help




Your snippet seems to be working just fine for me as expected.



oh… big big sorry my brain got little overheated yesterday.
Can u try this one?

\{% set user = fn(' ${1:function_name} ', '${0:arg1}') %\}
	<!-- Optional: Set a tabTrigger to define how to trigger the snippet -->
	<!-- Optional: Set a scope to limit where the snippet will trigger -->

for me: It won’t go to second location only to the end of the string and removes wrapping curly braces on start and end of the line.
If that will work for u, than I ll check all my packages and give some feedback.



This snippet also works as expected based on the snippet content. It doesn’t remove the start { and end } of {% set ... %} for me (you can see in the GIF). It first goes to function_name since that’s the first placeholder and then arg1 and stops there since that’s the ending placeholder.

Edit: I don’t think you even need to escape { even {% set user = fn(' ${1:function_name} ', '${0:arg1}') %} as snippet content works.



oh… thanks for ur time :). Than it has to be some confilct with one of the packages. will investigate on my own.



IT was EMMET package which caused the issue. After disabling it all works great!
I changed emmet triggers to ctrl+e and all works great!

For those who encounters the same problem I solved it via adding ignoring certain scopes for emmet.
I added to emmet.sublime-settings (the users settings):

	"ignore_scopes": [

Even tho u add ignoring emmet in certain scope, u can use emmets exapnsion by ctrl+e instead of tab

Thanks for checking @UltraInstinct05 I think it can be closed :wink: