Sublime Forum

Error loading syntax file "Plain Text with Links.sublime-syntax"


On pasting such text

/Users/blazej.wdowikowski/Projects/file.swift:1:1: warning: Leading Whitespace Violation: File shouldn't start with whitespace: currently starts with 1 whitespace characters (leading_whitespace)

An error occurred

Error loading syntax file "Packages/Default/Plain Text with Links.sublime-syntax": Unable to read Packages/Default/Plain Text with Links.sublime-syntax

I couldn’t locate Packages/Default either in app’s content either in Application Support folder. What I can do about it?

I’m using
ST: 3.2.2 3211
SM: 2032



Packages/Default exists, but kind of internally, along with the syntax files that ship with ST. You can peruse its contents with something like OverrideAudit. You can simulate adding something to that package by putting it into the real Packages/Default on disk or more commonly Packages/User/Default, so maybe check there?

The most likely possibility is that you have another package watching for changes and attempting to set the syntax in a broken way.



The error returned. Is there a way of launching ST with console on?
Console only shows

using gpu buffer for window
error: Error loading syntax file "Packages/Default/Plain Text with Links.sublime-syntax": Unable to read Packages/Default/Plain Text with Links.sublime-syntax


Update 2:
Just removed every package. Error still appears.



Did you try closing all open tabs? Maybe one is still referring to that syntax

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That sounds right. When I go back to super old Defaults branches to rebase them onto master, I get the same error for all the Git Formats stuff I have open.