Sublime Forum

Error loading syntax file Packages/PHP/PHP.sublime-syntax


Similar to this issue, I receive this error when selecting PHP syntax: Error loading syntax file “Packages/PHP/PHP.sublime-syntax”: Apparent recursion within a with_prototype action: 25000 context sanity limit hit

And unlike this issue, I do not have a package called CSS3 installed.

I am using build 4107. This error comes from a fresh install, so this is not caused by a conflict with a package I installed.



Does the issue reproduce if you start Sublime Text in Safe Mode? When you say “fresh install”, do you mean that you manually went to and deleted all configuration directories from Sublime Text 3 prior to upgrading?

Other reasons why this might occur include packages like Naomi which is I think the more traditional cause for this problem.



I hope this helps for me this PHP issue came with sublime 4 update (build 4113)
after hit a trial of installing a fresh sublime and installing my packages 1 by 1 … finally found the issue came due to the package
" Java​Script​Next - ES6 Syntax "

alas i really liked its js and json highlighting. but had to disable it for the occasional php projects