Sublime Forum

Error loading colour scheme


I’m unable to load a theme that I could on a Mac. I now have Windows. I’ve verified the path to the theme by going to browse packages in sublime.

Error loading colour scheme Packages/User/Cisco/Nova.tmTheme: Unable to open Packages/User/Cisco/Nova.tmTheme

here’s the file -

thank you



I am using windows and it is working here:

I did not put it on Packages/User/Cisco/Nova.tmTheme, but on Packages/User/nova_theme.tmTheme

Also be sure you are using the right Packages/User directory.

To open the correct Packages directory, go to the menu Preferences -> Browse Packages...

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lol, I guess the .xml extension got added onto the files somehow when uploading to google drive or downloading them from Windows. eitherway, I deleted the .xml extension from the theme file name and it works now. thanks