Sublime Forum

Error loading colour scheme Package and Error parsing plist


Hello I am running Sublimetext2 and I am having a nightmare right now with this error popping up up to 50 times when I open Sublime. Also it will open sometimes when I save files or do other actions over and over it pops up.

It kept mentioning

soI went ahead and removed this package/theme or I thought I did. I went to Package manager and then remove package and clicked to remove “Color Highlighter” I then went into my folder and deleted the files but my problem still exist and is actually worse now with even more popups!

Here is the content of the popsup and below that an image to show how they overtake my screen in a matter of seconds!

Please help me to fix this!

Error loading colour scheme Package/User/Color/Highlighter/ Theme: Error parsing plist xml: Failed to open file In file "Packages/User/Color Highlighter/ Theme"



There are many possible solutions…but no one suit for sublime 3 because those solutions are for sublime 2 and I still trying to find a solution now
This is one of them and it seems work for sublime 2
Check if you have this package-Live Css and delete it
If not…google the problem and good luck



The plugin recently had several breaking changes, so the solution would be to delete Local/ (to clear ST session) and Packages/User/Color Highlighter/ directories.