Sublime Forum

Error banners Empty (F4)


As you can see the usual message in the red box is missing, how do I get the error message back pls ? (This is something to do with makefiles and the regex)
Here’s the regex from the build:

  "file_regex": "^(.+):([0-9]*):([0-9]*)()?:(.*)$",


It sometimes works (or very similar ones) see:
error: expected expression

If someone could point me to an indepth ST3 manual that goes down to the nitty gritty level (and what chapter of that manual) maybe that would help. Or just the answer would be truely amazing, as have been woriking on this for a week ish!!




If the file_regex doesn’t capture a message, there’s nothing for it to display in the error box. That’s why there are 4 capture groups in the regex; the file the error happened in (so it can be opened), the line the error happened on (so it knows where to put the box), the column the error happened at (so the box can target the correct part of the line) and the text of the message (so that there’s something to display).



How do I get it to capture the error message pls ?



Well that depends on the format of the thing you’re trying to capture and what file_regex and/or line_regex you’re using to capture errors. From past experience you may be running into difficulties by having a single build that executes multiple tools that generate output in different formats, in which case trying to come up with a single capture solution to capture the errors is probably quite complicated.