Sublime Forum

Edit settings ui improvement

  • It’ll be a great improvement if we have all package’s settings edited like the editor’s: in a separate window with default settings on one side and user’s on the other.

  • Another idea is to improve the PackageDev package feature (clicking on a the little pen and the setting is copied to the user’s settings) and integrate it in sublime text.

if you consider it, this feature sometimes don’t work, like in this example:

  • Another idea is to make some sort of menu to choose the settings of wich package you want to open.

  • And last it’s good to have an idea about all the possible options for a setting, the documentation is sometimes not enough, all packages must provide a list of their settings options, maybe you can combine it with the copy feature described above just like VSCode.

That will make editing preferences less paifull and sublime text more attractive :blush:



This is already possible, just most packages developers do not implemented this on their packages.

But you can install the package:


Which has the keybind ctrl+k, ctrl+s to list all settings on a quick view, then you can choose one, and it will be show side by side:

You should open a issue on its issue tracker asking about this:


Which documentation is not enough? You should open a issue on the packages’ issue tracker complaining about its lack of documentation examples.



the good thing about sublime text is that you can customize it to your needs through packages, but i would like to get some features out of the box, sublime text developpers should consider improving it’s UI .
tried the side by side settings package, didn’t like it cause it doesn’t interact well with the packageDev package, but i managed to work around that using keybindings.
But thanx for the help :slight_smile:



If you are on the latest dev built 3154, you could use the following patched which automatically displays a list of all settings files, if called without arguments


    { "caption": "Preferences", "command": "edit_settings" },

import re
import os.path

import sublime
import sublime_plugin

class BaseFileInputHandler(sublime_plugin.ListInputHandler):

    PACKAGES = "${packages}/"

    # The pattern to extract the path and basename of a file.
    SETTINGS_RE = re.compile(
        r"(?i)Packages/(.+/)(.+?)(?: \(.+\))?(\.sublime-settings)")

    def name(self):
        """Return argument name."""
        return "base_file"

    def placeholder(self):
        return "Settings File"

    def preview(self, value):
        """Show the full path in the preview area"""
        if value:
            return sublime.Html("<b>File:</b> " + value[len(self.PACKAGES):])
            return None

    def list_items(self):
        """Create a list of unique available settings files."""
        names = []
        items = []
        for f in sublime.find_resources('*.sublime-settings'):
            path, name, ext = self.SETTINGS_RE.match(f).groups()
            if name not in names:
                items.append((name, "".join((self.PACKAGES, path, name, ext))))
        return sorted(items)

class EditSettingsCommand(sublime_plugin.ApplicationCommand):

    def input(self, args):
        if "base_file" not in args:
            return BaseFileInputHandler()
            return None

    def run(self, base_file, user_file=None, default="{\n\t$0\n}"):
        :param base_file:
            A unicode string of the path to the base settings file. Typically
            this will be in the form: "${packages}/PackageName/Package.sublime-settings"

        :param user_file:
            An optional file path to the user's editable version of the settings
            file. If not provided, the filename from base_file will be appended
            to "${packages}/User/".

        :param default:
            An optional unicode string of the default contents if the user
            version of the settings file does not yet exist. Use "$0" to place
            the cursor.

        if base_file is None:
            raise ValueError('No base_file argument was passed to edit_settings')

        platform_name = {
            'osx': 'OSX',
            'windows': 'Windows',
            'linux': 'Linux',

        variables = {
            'packages': '${packages}',
            'platform': platform_name,

        base_file = sublime.expand_variables(base_file.replace('\\', '\\\\'), variables)
        if user_file is not None:
            user_file = sublime.expand_variables(user_file.replace('\\', '\\\\'), variables)

        base_path = base_file.replace('${packages}', 'res://Packages')
        is_resource = base_path.startswith('res://')
        file_name = os.path.basename(base_file)
        resource_exists = is_resource and base_path[6:] in sublime.find_resources(file_name)
        filesystem_exists = (not is_resource) and os.path.exists(base_path)

        if not resource_exists and not filesystem_exists:
            sublime.error_message('The settings file "' + base_path + '" could not be opened')

        if user_file is None:
            user_package_path = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User')
            user_file = os.path.join(user_package_path, file_name)

            # If the user path does not exist, and it is a supported
            # platform-variant file path, then try and non-platform-variant
            # file path.
            if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(user_package_path, file_name)):
                for suffix in {'.sublime-keymap', '.sublime-mousemap', '.sublime-menu'}:
                    platform_suffix = ' (%s)%s' % (platform_name, suffix)
                    if not file_name.endswith(platform_suffix):
                    non_platform_file_name = file_name[:-len(platform_suffix)] + suffix
                    non_platform_path = os.path.join(user_package_path, non_platform_file_name)
                    if os.path.exists(non_platform_path):
                        user_file = non_platform_path

        new_window = sublime.active_window()

                'cols': [0.0, 0.5, 1.0],
                'rows': [0.0, 1.0],
                'cells': [[0, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 2, 1]]
        new_window.run_command('open_file', {'file': base_file})
        new_window.run_command('open_file', {'file': user_file, 'contents': default})


        base_view = new_window.active_view_in_group(0)
        user_view = new_window.active_view_in_group(1)

        base_settings = base_view.settings()
        base_settings.set('edit_settings_view', 'base')

        user_settings = user_view.settings()
        user_settings.set('edit_settings_view', 'user')
        if not os.path.exists(user_file):
            user_settings.set('edit_settings_default', default.replace('$0', ''))

class EditSyntaxSettingsCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
    Opens the syntax-specific settings file for the currently active view

    def run(self):
        view = self.window.active_view()
        syntax, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(view.settings().get('syntax')))
                'base_file': '${packages}/Default/Preferences.sublime-settings',
                'user_file': os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User', syntax + '.sublime-settings'),
                'default': (
                    '// These settings override both User and Default settings '
                    'for the %s syntax\n{\n\t$0\n}\n') % syntax

    def is_enabled(self):
        return self.window.active_view() is not None

class EditSettingsListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
    Closes the base and user settings files together, and then closes the
    window if no other views are opened

    def on_modified(self, view):
        Prevents users from editing the base file

        view_settings = view.settings()

        settings_view_type = view_settings.get('edit_settings_view')

        # If any edits are made to the user version, we unmark it as a
        # scratch view so that the user is prompted to save any changes
        if settings_view_type == 'user' and view.is_scratch():
            file_region = sublime.Region(0, view.size())
            if view_settings.get('edit_settings_default') != view.substr(file_region):

    def on_pre_close(self, view):
        Grabs the window id before the view is actually removed

        view_settings = view.settings()

        if not view_settings.get('edit_settings_view'):

        if view.window() is None:

        view_settings.set('window_id', view.window().id())

    def on_close(self, view):
        Closes the other settings view when one of the two is closed

        view_settings = view.settings()

        if not view_settings.get('edit_settings_view'):

        window_id = view_settings.get('window_id')
        window = None
        for win in
            if == window_id:
                window = win

        if not window:

        other_view_id = view_settings.get('edit_settings_other_view_id')
        views = window.views()
        views_left = len(views)
        for other in views:
            if == other_view_id:
                # Prevent the handler from running on the other view
                # Run after timeout so the UI doesn't block with the view half closed
                sublime.set_timeout(lambda: window.run_command("close"), 50)

        # Don't close the window if the user opens another view in the window
        # or adds a folder, since they likely didn't realize this is a settings
        # window
        if views_left == 1 and len(window.folders()) < 1:
            # If the user closes the window containing the settings views, and
            # this is not delayed, the close_window command will be run on any
            # other window that is open.
            def close_window():
                if == sublime.active_window().id():
            sublime.set_timeout(close_window, 50)

class OpenFileSettingsCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
    Old syntax-specific settings command - preserved for backwards compatibility

    def run(self):
        view = self.window.active_view()
        settings_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(view.settings().get('syntax')))
        dir_name = os.path.join(sublime.packages_path(), 'User')
        self.window.open_file(os.path.join(dir_name, settings_name + '.sublime-settings'))

    def is_enabled(self):
        return self.window.active_view() is not None 

Those structures displayed in your second screenshot were created by some package authors but are not the way settings should be used in ST. The sublime-settings format is just a modern form of an ini-file with only one section. It is not meant to be used as a tree-like data storage! Just flat key-value pairs.

If a value is an object, it should be used as such but should not provide further settings. These “default” and “user” objects abuse ST’s settings philosophy. Supporting such structures will barely be possible as it is hard to find out, which sub-objects are further key-value pairs or which ones are meant to be treated as a compound value.

Tree-like structures should be created using key-names like package.subnode.subnode2. VSCode settings are a very good example for a best practice in that case.



Wow! , thanks for the trick @deathaxe, that’s exactly what i was looking for , saved me a lot of time, since i was planning to do this but have no free time nor thorough knowledge of regular expressions,
they should implement this by default in sublime text.



For anyone interested, I made a patch based on @deathaxe 's.
Now it supports settings, keymaps, mousemaps and menus:



with a customizable command.