Sublime Forum

Duplicate, Rename, Move To


Will these ever be added to the File menu? I’ve really gotten used to having these options in other OS X editors like TextEdit.



Rename command is already supported out of the box and can to some degree be used to move files to other (existing) folders. It fails creating new folders or move files to other drives though.

FileManager package provides all of your requested functions.

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huh cool. Is there a separate step to add these functions to the File menu? New to using Sublime packages.



Main menu can be customized by creating a Main.sublime-menu file in your user package.

        "id": "file",
        "children": [
            // specify position by using existing separators
            { "caption": "-", "id": "close" },
            { "caption": "-" },
                "caption": "Rename File…",
                "mnemonic": "R",
                "command": "fm_rename_path",
                "args": {
                    "paths": []
                "caption": "Move File…",
                "command": "fm_move",
                "mnemonic": "M",
                "args": {
                    "paths": []
                "caption": "Duplicate File…",
                "command": "fm_duplicate",
                "mnemonic": "D",
                "args": {
                    "paths": []
                "caption": "Delete File…",
                "command": "fm_delete",
                "mnemonic": "e",
                "args": {
                    "paths": []
            { "caption": "-", "id": "exit" },