Sublime Forum

Draw Centered option makes the right end of the gutter (~10 pixels) transparent


Without the Draw Centered option, the gutter is all opaque, and so it obscures any text that falls behind.
With the Draw Centered option, ~10 pixels from its right becomes transparent, and you can see the text behind.
Here’s a picture, and then will come the reproduction steps:

And here are the reproduction steps:

  1. Enable Draw Centered option through settings.
  2. Open any document with some amount of text, or make one.
  3. Narrow your Sublime Text 3 window so much that the text horizontally doesn’t fit anymore.
  4. Toggle Word Wrap (through Command Palette) if necessary, and make sure it is disabled.
  5. Scroll a little to the right.

You should then see what is depicted on the screenshot above.

Thank you,



what theme and color scheme are you using? in case it makes a difference?



Theme is Adaptive and the scheme is Sixteen. I have changed them both and the bug was still intact, so I believe that they do not matter.