Sublime Forum

Display text


Hello, how can I make errors and warings to be displayed like this:


I already have “show_errors_inline” = true

I’m using ‘pawn syntax’



bump? Anyone that can help me?



I’m having trouble with the screenshot link, so I have to guess what it looks like.

If you’re wanting inline errors when a build fails, then what does your Pawn.sublime-build look like? Particularly the file_regex value. (i.e. Is it this and does that correspond to Pawn’s build output, with respect to the ST3 documentation?)

If you’re wanting inline errors as you type, someone will need to wire up a Pawn linter to ST3, e.g. via SublimeLinter.

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Well, this is my sublime-build:
> {

“cmd”: [“pawncc.exe”, “-i includes”, “$file”, “-;+”, “-v2”, “-d3”, “-Z+”, “-\)+”],
“path”: “D:/myproject/gamemode/pawno”



Change it to this and see what happens:

    "cmd": ["pawncc.exe", "-i includes", "$file", "-;+", "-v2", "-d3", "-Z+", "-\)+"],
    "path": "D:/myproject/gamemode/pawno",
    "file_regex": "(.*?)\\(([0-9]*)[- 0-9]*\\)",
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Thanks, its working perfectly. One more question, what is a Git branch? I’ve see to someone in the left down corner



In response to your last question:

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Still I don’t understand what exactly is a Git branch



You will have to do some learning by yourself here. Git is a distributed version control system. This is a concept of programming. It has nothing to do with Sublime Text or any text editor. This is a notion that you need to familiarize yourself with, if you are getting involved in programming.

You need to go back and read the information of the page Orlmente posted and go deep in it (not just the front page). However, since you don’t seem familiar with the name git at all, I must assume that are very new to programming and should expect to spend quite a bit of time learning git. I don’t mean minutes or hours, but more in a weeks and months type of thing. You can learn a few things in a few hours about git if you are already familiar with programming, but git is something that takes quite a while to master.

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