Sublime Forum

Disable Hardware Acceleration


When my GPU is under load from another program, Sublime Text becomes very slow. Latency is proportional to the window size. I have to switch to another text editor because it is unusable. My OS is Linux. I’ve tried all of these:

Running a freshly installed version of sublime text with default settings and no plugins.
subl3 --disable-gpu
subl3 --opengl
Add to config: “gpu_window_buffer”: false

None of them help performance. There must be some way to disable hardware acceleration, right?

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UI lag under high GPU load

We do not use OpenGL on Linux - only Cairo. My guess is that Cairo is somehow using your GPU, but I am not certain. We have had reports of issues with performance when the GPU is under heavy load, but since we aren’t directly using the GPU, I am not 100% certain how we would go about approaching this.