Sublime Forum

Different colors for sidebar files according to git status


This is something that’s incredibly helpful, and as I understand, is currently not possible to implement because there’s no sidebar API.

Other IDE’s (such as PyCharm or Atom Text) have a feature where files will change color according to their status on git\svn. Atom obviously only supports GIT, but PyCharm (and all of IntelliJ products) will work for SVN as well. It’s a terribly useful feature - if a file has been modified it is colored blue, if there’s an unversioned file it’s red, etc. etc. It makes managing a project a lot more easier

If you don’t understand what I mean, here’s a screenshot (look at the left panel):

Will it ever be possible with Sublime?
Thank you all in advanced



I was just helping a colleague with something and saw this feature in the Atom editor which looks incredibly useful. Here’s an example image from this StackOverflow question:

Does anyone have any update on this sort of functionality for Sublime because it’d be incredibly useful? It’s one of 2 major features that are making me consider alternative IDE’s.

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As I know, Atom is text editor :slight_smile: Not IDE :slight_smile:

For me it is no. 1 functionality to add to ST3.

SublimeHQ is working on popups so as we see they listen people :slight_smile: Maybe they will add that?


If it would be possible do it with SVN also ;D Not only GIT :slight_smile:

I hope as soon as possible …

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Strong +1. Switched back to Sublime for the 3131 build, only to get setup, configured, and to switch back to Atom after this feature doesn’t exist.

I hear it’s just a matter of opening up the API, like the sidebar icons. Any progress on this?

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Any news about this? Will it be done? Any sublime text developer seeing this?


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Yes, I do read the forum. Welcome to the community!

Not currently.

We generally don’t comment on future development plans, as things often change or are re-prioritized. Sometimes we just can’t come up with an implementation we are happy with, so we shelve a feature until we can implement it the way we want or need to.


Sidebar API

Nice! I like sublime text a lot and I guess you guys are doing a great job back there! :wink:



Any updates in this?

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Would very much like to see sidebar_label color mod for dirty files implemented…
Keep up the great work mate!

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Waiting for this feature in the slowly but usefull atom since 2015

Any updates?

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If/when there are updates, we will definitely include them in the release notes.



Is this currently in the roadmap! It would be awesome!!

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+1 for this feature, and ultimately for adding a sidebar api, can’t wait to see it :slight_smile:



Oh, boy! Please! +1!

I would happily pay for this feature. I would even buy a new license so I can come back do Sublime Text 3 100% and stop using Atom just because of this feature.



The current dev build has git integration, and via a custom theme, or customizing the default theme, you can change the color of file names based on the git status.



Oh. My. God!

Bye-bye Atom. A.k.a. 750mb-freaking-memory-eating-monster.

And bye GitGutter. Thanks a lot for your job!

Well, hello again Sublime Text!

I won’t buy another Sublime Text license.

But, I will buy a Sublime Merge license and give it a shot.

Thanks, Will!



I’m not sure it’s time to say goodbye to GitGutter :wink: diff popups are very handy, if only there’s a way to disable icons but not the popups, and if somehow GG could use ST git integration, that would be the cherry on top of the cake.




True! That or native pop-ups. That would be awesome.

Who knows… Maybe in the next build :wink: