Dev Build 2063 is out now.
Syntax highlighting for a few frequently requested languages has been added: Clojure, Haml, reStructuredText and Scala (Scala was there previously, but not well supported). In the course of doing this I’ve also fixed a long standing issue with tmLanguage rules that can match 0 characters. If you’ve had a problem with a .tmLanguage file previously, I’d encourage you to give it a go again now. The View/Syntax menu has been orgainsed by package, which should cut down clutter to some degree.
Also new in this build is the ability to open files using encodings other than UTF-8 and UTF-16, via the “Reopen with Encoding” menu. The encoding will be preserved when saving, unless there are characters that aren’t representable with the current encoding, in which case it’ll be converted to UTF-8. It’s not yet possible to explicitly choose a different encoding to save with. Multi-byte encodings are also not yet supported.
Unless any issues turn up, I’m planning on turning 2063 into the next regular build tomorrow.