Sublime Forum

Designing a menu


I want to create a menu for the user to select what file to use in my plugin. I’m hoping to create a menu that looks like the one in the SFTP plugin for selecting the server or the one that package control displays when you search for commands or install new packages. I was able to make something work using the show_popup_menu, but that’s not quite the style I want, since that seems to be attached to the editing point in the file, and I want this to be fixed at the top. Is there a command I can use, or an example I can look at to figure out how this has been done?



Those packages use window.show_quick_panel() to display their menu items. You provide a list of strings (or for multiple lines of text in each item, a list of lists) and it does the work of letting the user select what they want, including the text filtering when text is entered.

A very brief example that uses them is available by using View Package File from the command palette and opening Default/

It implements the quick_panel command; an example of using that command (via the console) would be:

window.run_command("quick_panel", {"items": [{"command": "echo", "args": {"first": True}, "caption": "First Item"}, {"command": "echo", "args": {"first": False}, "caption": "Second Item"}]})

It will open a panel that lets you pick between two items, and the console will show you if you picked the first or second item in the list.



Thank you so much!