[quote=“wbond”]I don’t think it is unreasonable for Package Control to follow the JSON spec for files ending in .json. Comment stripping happens in ST, but not for files ending in .json, just .sublime-* files.
If we are are going to consider allowing people to violate the JSON spec, we should probably document the changes and change the file extension.[/quote]
Extremely good points, and I completely understand your position. I only suggest stripping comments because the average user will probably blunder things because they don’t make the obvious separation between the two; some peoples first exposure to JSON may be in Sublime’s config files. Now that doesn’t necessarily make it Package Control’s problem. I guess if the error just got logged so the user could determine they are breaking the JSON syntax, then I guess that would be okay as well. Sometimes it is just easier to be lax on input and strict on output, but may not be the way you want to go.