Hi there, thanks @jfcherng and @OdatNurd for your suggestions.
I enabled logging and I see a given plugin getting logged, but it doesn’t seem to be running the associated code.
As a specific example, I have “/Users/me/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap” which contains my custom key bindings.
It begins:
{ "keys": ["super+shift+k"], "command": "project_extract_keys" },
With logging, that keystroke produces the console output:
command: project_extract_keys
command: project_extract_keys
no command for selector: noop:
But even if the file contains logging code, nothing else from the plugin code seems to be running:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
import re
class ProjectExtractKeysCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
When I try to run manually, it gives me weird console output:
>>> view.run_command('project_extract_keys')
Any suggestions for further debugging? This is a tree of my application support directory more generally for extra context:
/Users/me/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text
├── Installed Packages
│ ├── Automatic Backups.sublime-package
│ ├── Github Color Theme.sublime-package
│ ├── LogView.sublime-package
│ ├── Package Control.sublime-package
│ ├── PackageResourceViewer.sublime-package
│ ├── Unicode Character Insert.sublime-package
│ └── WordingStatus.sublime-package
├── Lib
│ ├── python33
│ │ └── package_control.py
│ └── python38
│ └── package_control.py
├── Local
│ ├── Auto Save Session.sublime_session
│ ├── Backup Auto Save Session.sublime_session
│ ├── Backup Session.sublime_session
│ ├── License.sublime_license
│ └── Session.sublime_session
├── Log
├── Packages
│ ├── Project
│ │ ├── Default (OSX).sublime-keymap // custom key bindings
│ │ ├── README.md
│ │ ├── project_extract_keys.py
│ │ ├── ~20 files like project_action.py similar to previous
│ │ ├── date_insert.py
│ │ ├── smart_quotes.py
│ │ └── test_command.py
│ ├── Default
│ │ ├── Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
│ │ └── Default.sublime-commands
│ └── User
│ ├── Distraction Free.sublime-settings
│ ├── Package Control.sublime-settings
│ ├── Package Control.user-ca-bundle
│ ├── Preferences.sublime-settings
│ ├── R Console.sublime-settings
│ └── nc.sublime-snippet