Hi guys
i’ve seen in a video how Netbeans warn you with a small simbol on the left when you have an error while you are coding like to miss ; or ().
is there anything similar for ST? this can save a lot of time.
Hi guys
i’ve seen in a video how Netbeans warn you with a small simbol on the left when you have an error while you are coding like to miss ; or ().
is there anything similar for ST? this can save a lot of time.
If your build system is correctly parsing error output you can show errors in the source by setting the following in your preferences:
"show_errors_inline": true,
Not exactly what you want but still very useful, possible even better.
Hi Nutjob2
thanks for your reply
i can see that i have “show_errors_inline”: true,
what i pretend to do is for example… you write this
<?php echo "hello world" ?>this gonna trigger an error when you display this in a browers as i am missing ;
i wonder if there is a plugin in ST that warn you about the error like Netbeans does
You will need a package or a build system that checks the code and generates the errors, but I’m not familiar with them for PHP. Try looking around at https://packagecontrol.io/
You may also check https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SublimeLinter and https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SublimeLinter-php