Sublime Forum

Debian (Raspbian) Unable to Locate Package


I’m new to linux, so I may have done something wrong, but it seems my apt-get can’t find the package ‘sublime-text’. I did all the previous steps and tinkered around with a few things, but sublime won’t download.
Here’s the command and response:

RPi-JD:/home/pi$ sudo apt-get install sublime-text
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
E: Unable to locate package sublime-text

It could also be because I’m working on a raspberry pi, but it seems an odd error for an incompatibility.



See Sublime Text for Raspberry Pi 3 with Rasbian OS

Albeit from 2016, I think the situation regarding an ARM port hasn’t changed: There is none, therefore nothing in the package repositories.

You might want to try an alternative editor, vim or emacs are popular choices, albeit they both come with a steep learning curve. Nano or gedit are also a good choices and simpler.

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Ah, thank you very much, I was looking for just such a thread, should’ve searched for raspberry. That’s a real shame though…
I’m mostly looking for a fast and smart text editor with basic highlights for coding so perhaps I’ll try Nano or Gedit.