Sublime Forum

CVS Cannot update while Sublime is open



I am using CVS (The executable that comes with TortoiseCVS) and have found that Update does not work completely while running Sublime Text. Note that I am not trying to run CVS as an extension to Sublime, I am simply running the TortoiseCVS Update.

It seems like sometime after using the Goto Anything Panel some sort of file lock is created on files in the CVS folders (even though they should be ignored by the User Setting folder_exclude_patterns). I get different exceptions from CVS, but the most common is “cvs update: cannot open CVS/Entries for reading: No such file or directory”.

The problem is easily solved by closing Sublime Text, Updating, and then re-opening Sublime. Although this is not too bad because of Sublimes (wonderful) feature that remembers everything, even unsaved files, it is inconvenient. My team has recently (last month) acquired licences to Sublime Text and the four of us who are now using it regularly have all hit this problem.

Thank you for such a wonderful tool and any help you can provide,



up, because like 3 years later, this issue’s still present.
ST3 with WinCVS
