Sublime Forum

Customise Javascript indentation


I’m using ST4 Stable build 4169 with the default Javascript syntax. I’m finding the ‘deindentation’ of the default keyword really irritating when creating, for example, Vue props:

  meaning: {
    type: Number,
  default: 42,

I’m assuming default is getting deindented because it’s expected in a switch() block. But it’s not a keyword here, and I rarely use switch(), so I’d like to disable this. But no idea really where to start on this. Is it even possible to customise this via preferences? Can I get the JS syntax definition and create a custom one without this ‘feature’?

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If you install, and then in the Command Palette choose the OverrideAudit: Open Resource entry, then browse to the JavaScript package, you’ll see a file there called something like Indentation Rules.tmPreferences. As you never really use switch statements, you can edit that to remove the default: part from the deindentation regex pattern and save it.



Thank you! I did have OA installed already as I’d played with something years ago, but really only for checking when upgrades might have clobber things. I should go read the full docs for it, as this was really simple once I knew how :).