I want to use SublimeText to edit remote files which is accessible only through tsh
(teleport). I cant use rmate
as tsh
does not support remote port forwarding. So i have an idea to use:
tsh ssh user@server cat /file_to_edit
- command output to get file i want to edit remotely -
echo "$content" | tsh ssh user@server "cat > /file_to_edit"
- command to save it back
So this is my open_file
def open_file(server, user, file):
content = subprocess.check_output([f'/usr/local/bin/tsh ssh {user}@{server} "cat {file}"'], shell=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
sublime.error_message(f"Error: {e}")
view = self.window.new_file()
view.settings().set("auto_indent", False)
view.settings().set("file_opened_with_custom_command", True)
view.run_command("insert", {"characters": content.decode()})
I am trying to use my custom command to save file to remote server in case content was changed before close the sublime view:
class RemEditEventListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_pre_close(self, view):
if view.settings().get("file_opened_with_custom_command"):
user_server, file = view.name().split(":")
content = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, view.size()))
if view.is_dirty:
choice = sublime.yes_no_cancel_dialog(f"Save?\n{user_server}\n{file}")
if choice == 1:
print("SAVE file && CLOSE sublime view")
command = f'/usr/local/bin/tsh ssh {user_server} "cat > {file}"'
subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE).communicate(input=content.encode())
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
sub.error_message(f"Error: {e}")
elif choice == 2:
print("do NOT SAVE file && CLOSE sublime view")
print("do NOT SAVE file && do NOT CLOSE sublime view")
return False
Issue is that it pops me up the default “Save, Not save, Cancel” window before my custom one.
Question: is it proper way to override “save” action? And should i do this in on_pre_close
Thanks in advance