Sublime Forum

Cursor Focus issue when clicking back in window


I am seeing a strange effect when clicking back in to my sublime window after working elsewhere in another window. (e.g. Chrome or MySQL workbench).

This happens occasionally and certainly not every time.

Wherever I re-click in the sublime text, the cursor ends up on some other row. Typically some 2 to 6 rows below.

I wondered if anyone else had seen this issue?

I have only the following few Packages installed so I don’t think it is those affecting it;



Excuse my ignorance as I am relatively new to contributing on this forum.

I thought I was raising an issue for Technical support to assist with, I see a few users have viewed this post but I have had no feedback.

This issue is very prominent on my workflow and I need to know where to look for a cause.

Please assist if possible or direct me to someone who maybe can.




OK. Lets ask the simple question…

Has anyone else seen this issue?




This is not an issue I have seen before, no. You could try disabling all your third party packages to confirm it really isn’t those causing this behavior. What OS platform are you on btw?



Thank you for responding.

I will definitely disable everything and try again.

I am using a WIN10 PC and predominantly use Sublime to write and test JS and PHP via CHROME.

I thought the issue was my eyes or concentration but now realise it is repeatable, so your test should be Yes or No to the problem.

When you state disable packages, does that mean removing them or is there a way to just disbale them?



To (temporarily) disable just hit ctrl+shift-p and write “disable package”, to revert same as above but “enable package” :slight_smile:
it’s better to close and restart st after both operations.



Guidance is very much appreciated. Thanks!

I am stepping through each package in turn.

I notice that when using CHROME and editing CSS in the developer window or style code from within ST3 there is some synchronization happening. I am not aware of any package applied that could be doing this. I tried disabling Emment, Color Picker and Color Higlight but none of these seem to be controlling the synch.

Any idea what package is doing this?

I definitely do not have LIveStyle installed.



Off the top of my head the only thing that comes to mind is LiveReload, but I imagine since you know about LiveStyle if you had this installed the name would probably stand out to you.