Sublime Forum

Ctags not work correctly on Linux sublime text 4 after v4143


I upgrade to 4169, but “rebuild tags” was disabled. only when I return to 4143, it works correctly.
I have found others have this issue on other threads, it seems have been fixed. but I still have this issue on latest 4169 linux version.
anyone have the same issue?



Related fix has been merged to CTag’s “develop” branch, but now new version has been released.

Probably mainly due to orginal author no longer using and thus maintaining it.

Fortunatelly it is in SublimeText org. So maybe I can look into merging some pending fixes.

Note: I don’t use it either.



thanks for your answer.
I have download the latest ctags plugin file, it have changed 3 file, I merge it to the plugin code, and repack it(compress with zip format) into CTags.sublime-package file, then put CTags.sublime-package into ~/.config/sublime-text/Installed Packages/ to replace the old one, after restart sublime text, it still not work correctly. I don’t know I have do something wrong or the plugin code still not work with the latest sublime text version.



I’ve merged most PRs and released a 0.5.0 yesterday. You could also try that one.

I’ve tested it with universal ctags 6.0.0 on Windows on ST4168.

The plugin certainly has various flaws but the most important basics (goto definition, show symbols, …) seemed to work.



Thanks for your quick update.
I have upgraded plugin into v0.6, it works correctly.