Sublime Forum

CSS color formatting not working



This might sound a bit weird and silly, but doing my head in for a while. My ST3 css files are not showing any color differentiation between class/id name, attributes and their values. I tried a couple of uninstall and reinstall but non seems to work.

Without the color codes, its frustrating.
Please assist in fixing this for me.



It looks like Sublime doesn’t know what kind of file you’re editing and so it can’t syntax highlight it.

What’s the name of the file that you’re editing? Normally Sublime determines what kind of file something is by checking the extension of the file, so a file named example.css would be interpreted as CSS,

You can tell what kind of file Sublime thinks it is by checking the bottom right of the status bar; it may say something like “Plain Text” or something similar. You can click that part of the status bar to open a list and tell Sublime explicitly what type of file it is (you can also do this from the Command Palette and the Menu as well).

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.tmTheme files - change selection background

Thanks @OdatNurd a lot for helping me understand the ide as I managed to fix the issue. What happened was that it is getting disabled somehow and I enabled it again. Solved :slightly_smiling:

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Same problem! Build 3126 is color coding all CSS SELECTOR AND DELARATION TEXT GREY! For INLINE, INTERNAL and EXTERNAL CSS!

First three packages I installed: ColorSchemeEditor and PackageResourceViewer and Soda SolarizedDark to work on enhancing built in Solarized (Dark) theme. Are packages wrecking Sublime colors? What happened to my CSS colors?



Yeah, for a while there, I was seeing chinese characters as file type!

I stopped using ST3. It is beta, and tunneling into too much heavy programming/scripting I never use. Thing about beta is, use it or lose it. If you don’t use it, lose it. You follow?

Most interesting, has to be use of Apple TextEdit for coding. Feisty with Gooey. Kinda painful, to put it mildly.

I will not cry, i will laugh and dance. I will not cry… Good bye.