Sublime Forum



So, sublime text never had any features disabled for non registered users but it is nag-ware, constantly nagging me to register every so often as files are saved. My paying for sublime-text was literally the first(ish) time in 40 years I ever supported any software that was either nag-ware or cripple-ware. It was just THAT GOOD!!!

I am a registered user of the A386/D386 assembler/disassembler for dos (Ye Olde)
IDA Pro (actually this is crippleware in a big way but I did not know that because I just bought it without trying the free version - I would STILL have bought it)
Guitar Pro
and many others.

As a software engineer I know how difficult it is to produce quality software and when I see something that I like and will use I pay the fee and support its development. While I very strongly object to nag-ware, on RARE occasions I can forgive it.

However, I absolutely draw the line at cripple-ware. Features being disabled except for registered users is a major turn off for me. I truly believe in supporting great software that I use but can not abide the cripple-ware marketing methods that have been employed with sublime merge. Rather than encouraging me to register It guarantees I uninstall.

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P.S. this does not mean Im not going to be updating my ST3 license lol
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Sublime HQ most certainly takes part in nag-ware, which I often avoid as well. I see no issue with doing it, I just prefer to use FOSS generally. I think Sublime Text and Merge are notable exceptions due to quality. If it bothers you enough, either make the purchase or move on. (Sourcetree comes to mind)

I’m not sure I understand your cripple-ware argument though. Aside from the dark theme, I don’t think Sublime Merge blocks any behavior behind a pay wall. That isn’t even functionality. I’d hardly call it cripple-ware. Is there something I’m missing?